Directed by Scot Sax, Platinum Rush takes a detailed look at the highs and lows of the lives of songwriters.
Produced by ScotSaxFilms
Film Maker/Videopgrapher/Documentarian
Artist Clients include:
Lucinda Williams, The Wood Brothers, Brandi Carlile and more.
Media Clients include:
Rolling Stone, NPR, CMT, Epiphone,
American Songwriter
Directed, shot and edited by Scot Sax.
Directed, shot and edited by Scot Sax.
Directed, shot and edited by Scot Sax
Words and music by Leah Brown and Scot Sax
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I do not own this song. Words and Music by Bob Dylan. This is a present for his birthday!
I had a dream and in that dream heard Bob Dylan's iconic classic but done in a funked up version. Well, I just had to lay idea down asap! After recording the track I called my superstar neighbor Nicki Bluhm and asked her if she wants in. She said, hell yeah! And just in time for his birthday!
Scot Sax Featuring Nicki Bluhm covering Bob Dylan's "Like A Rolling Stone"!
Filmed, edited and directed by Scot Sax.
Official Music Video // Angel Snow
Presented and directed by Scot Sax Films.
Filmed, edited and directed by Scot Sax.
Documentary, live concert and onstage visuals
Directed, shot, edited and created by Scot Sax.
An Angel Snow live performance directed, shot and edited by Scot Sax.